




About the Department

The Department of Data Science encourages students to develop their programming skills, knowledge of mathematics and statistics, and interest in various fields such as engineering, culture, art, and economics to develop the core talents necessary to lead the 4th Industrial Revolution. The Department of Data Science offers a robust curriculum that enables students to acquire not only knowledge of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, but also skills in collecting and processing large amounts of data, platform technologies for providing solutions, and business model development.

Major Course Guide

Year 1 │ Computer Programming

In this course, you'll develop fundamental Python programming skills before studying artificial intelligence and data science.

Year 2 │ Machine Learning

This course covers the concepts of machine learning, starting with the history of machine learning, and then students will learn traditional and modern machine learning techniques and apply them to real-world problems.

Year 3 │ Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning, also known as AlphaGo, has recently gained attention as an artificial intelligence technique that can solve many business problems. In this course, students will learn about various reinforcement learning techniques and have the opportunity to apply them to real-world business problems.

Year 4 │ DS Experience Lab

The essence of data science is the process of collecting data, analyzing it, and providing a final solution. In the DS Experience Lab, each project team sets up a target domain and goes through this process directly.


특수교육과 동문회 장학금특수교육과 동문회 장학금을 보여주는 표
Year 1 Computers and Programming 1, 2, Fundamentals of AI, Living with AI
Year 2 Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Machine Learning, Programming for Data Collection, Data Analysis and Visualization, Object-Oriented Programming Design, Data Structures
Year 3 Data mining, Distributed Computing, Database Design, Algorithms, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition and Synthesis, Reinforcement Learning
Year 4 DS Capstone Design, DS Fieldwork, DS Special Topics, DS Experience Lab, Information Retrieval, Graph Mining, Advanced Analytics for Data Science, Virtual Reality

Academic Activities

Although the Department of Data Science is a new department with the first class of 2022 students, it shares many activities with its sibling department, the Department of Artificial Intelligence (first class of 2021). As one of the prides of our cutting-edge departments (Department of Data Science and Department of Artificial Intelligence), we have been holding artificial intelligence and data science competitions and special lectures inviting various experts every year since last year. In addition, various clubs and societies for the cutting-edge departments are being established under the initiative of the student council.

Departmental Talent

  • Curious about society and self-directed learners
  • Understand the importance of cooperation and communication, and want to create new value through convergence
  • Progressive and proactive people who are not afraid of challenges and failure, and who are enterprising and proactive

High School Courses Related to Major

High School Courses Related to Majortable for High School Courses Related to Major
General Electives Career Electives
Math I, Math II, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Information, etc. Geometry, Interdisciplinary Science, Engineering in general, Creative Management, etc.

Careers after Graduation

Careers after Graduationtable for Careers after Graduation
Education & research AI and data science education, graduate school, etc
Enterprise IT companies, information security companies, financial and securities firms, IT/business solutions companies
Institutions & organizations Financial utilities, healthcare organizations, computer labs
Professions Big data analyst, information consultant, system developer

Subject-Related Certifications

Big Data Analyst, Data Architecture Specialist, SQL Specialist, SQL Developer, Data Analytics Specialist